Saturday Night Movie Recommendations with Abe
Welcome back to a weekly feature here at Movies With Abe. I'm going to be providing a handy guide to a few choice movies currently playing in theatres as well as several films newly released on DVD. I’ll also aim to comment on those films I have not yet had the chance to see, and I invite you to add in your thoughts on any films I haven’t seen in the comments below. Understandably, some weeks will have considerably fewer releases to address than others.

Now Playing
The English Teacher (recommended): This light-hearted comedy featuring Julianne Moore as an English teacher who tries to mount a high school production of the play written by her former student is far from memorable, but it is perfectly enjoyable for the length of its 90-minute runtime. Now playing in L.A., and opening in New York next week. Read my review from Thursday.
Erased (anti-recommended): This brainless thriller posits that Aaron Eckhart’s scientist goes into work one day to discover that the life he thinks he’s living doesn’t exist. Predictable twists and turns reveal a surprising lack of coherence or satisfaction. Now playing at the Village East Cinema. Read my review from yesterday.
State 194 (mixed bag): This documentary about the Palestinian bid for statehood does a better job than most at achieving a balanced perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict but ultimately still paints a lopsided picture of the situation. As a documentary, however, it is extremely well-made and strongly edited. Read my article from my Jewish Journal blog, Awards Material.
This week’s biggest release, Star Trek Into Darkness, is the next film I'm planning to see. A review will be up soon.
New to DVD
Nothing of interest this week!

New on Netflix Instant Streaming
30 Beats (mixed bag): This sex-filled drama jumps from character to character in its two-person scenes, following a chain of people through a heat wave in New York City. It’s a cool concept that boasts plenty of intrigue but not nearly as much actual depth.
Price Check (anti-recommended): This comedy starring Parker Posey and Eric Mabius doesn’t have much going for it, featuring unexceptional characters and a generally uninteresting plotline.
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