Saturday Night Movie Recommendations with Abe
Welcome to a weekly feature here at Movies With Abe. I'm going to be providing a handy guide to a few choice movies currently playing in NYC as well as several films newly released on DVD. I’ll also aim to comment on those films I have not yet had the chance to see, and I invite you to add in your thoughts on any films I haven’t seen in the comments below. Understandably, some weeks will have considerably fewer releases to address than others.
Now Playing in NYC
There are three films being released this week that I’d like to try to see shortly. The first is To Rome with Love, Woody Allen’s annual summer effort, which should hopefully be very entertaining. The next is Seeking a Friend for the End of the World, a romantic drama which oddly pairs Steve Carell with Keira Knightley. There’s a lot of buzz about Brave, Pixar’s latest, but I’m not sure it looks as good as some of the studio’s past features.

New to DVD
Seeking Justice (anti-recommended): This action thriller starring Nicolas Cage is exactly what you’d expect from such a film: senseless, illogical, infuriating, annoying, and ultimately unfulfilling. If Cage was Liam Neeson, this film might have been better, but, unfortunately, Cage can’t even shelter all the blame. Skip it!
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