Saturday Night Movie Recommendations with Abe
Welcome to a weekly feature here at Movies With Abe. I'm going to be providing a handy guide to a few choice movies currently playing in NYC as well as several films newly released on DVD. I’ll also aim to comment on those films I have not yet had the chance to see, and I invite you to add in your thoughts on any films I haven’t seen in the comments below. Understandably, some weeks will have considerably fewer releases to address than others.
Now Playing in NYC
I haven’t seen anything that’s just been released this week, though I might catch Lockout on DVD. I’ll skip both The Cabin in the Woods and The Three Stooges. I can recommend We Have a Pope, which was released last week and I had the opportunity to review yesterday.New to DVD
The Iron Lady (recommended): This film got all the buzz for its Oscar-winning qualities, the incredible lead performance by Meryl Streep and the makeup that helped age Margaret Thatcher from young lady to senior citizen. The film, however, is quite good too, chronicling an energetic and eventful life with style and appropriate respect.New on Netflix Instant Streaming:
Melancholia (recommended): This end-of-the-world drama comes from the mind of Lars von Trier, which means it’s understandably unusual. In many of its moments, however, it’s entirely gripping and fascinating, and certainly worth a viewing if its subject matter isn’t too unsettling.
The Conspirator (mixed bag): This film about the controversial trial of one of Abraham Lincoln’s accused assassins wasn’t nearly as hard-hitting as it wanted to be, mostly because it just isn’t interesting or well-done enough to merit attention. It’s decently worthwhile though, and slightly affecting.
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