Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Talking Tribeca: App

I’ve had the pleasure this year of screening a number of selections from this year’s Tribeca Film Festival, which takes place April 16th-27th.

Directed by Alexander Berman
Festival Screenings

You might think that last year’s Best Picture nominee “Her” cornered the market on human relationships with artificial intelligence consciousnesses. Fortunately, this Tribeca short, screening as part of the “Handle with Care” program, has a new take to offer. It’s an entertaining, light-hearted story about geeky Paul (Braden Lynch), who panics after he discovers that the server on which he has all the data stored for his groundbreaking app will be shut off because of his failure to pay his bill and heads to a bar to try to convince an investor to give him the capital he needs right away. A challenge by the disinterested investor results in Paul using his app designed to create romantic capability to woo the prettiest girl in the bar, Zoe (Sara Sanderson). This isn’t a complex tale, but it clever and inventive, and more than anything, a cute story about two very different people who might just have more in common than they think.

See it or skip it? See it! It’s playing with other shorts I haven’t seen, but this one is a lot of fun.

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