Monday, November 18, 2013

Other Israel Film Festival Spotlight: Mom, Dad, I’m Muslim

The 7th Annual Other Israel Film Festival takes place in New York City November 14th-21st, and Movies With Abe is proud to offer you a spotlight on some of the films being presented. Visit the festival website for a complete schedule of screenings for the films.

Mom, Dad, I’m Muslim
Directed by Anat Tel Mendelvich
Screening November 16 at 5:45pm and November 18 at 8:30pm

It’s one thing to be involved in an intercultural relationship in Israel, where one party is Jewish and the other is Muslim. It’s another thing altogether to be a Muslim convert born a Jew, who has to contend with trying to understand and feel comfortable in her own faith while having difficulties explaining her new traditions to her family. This film and its protagonist, Maor, internalize the conflict that exists in her country and makes it a personal struggle for self-acceptance. Though those in her old community hope that her unmarried status means that there’s still hope for her return to the faith, Maor’s journey is ultimate a positive one with an optimistic message.

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