This film, delayed from a late December 2006 release, opened at very few theatres in April but packed a major emotional punch. Alan Rickman, Sigourney Weaver, and Carrie-Anne Moss all give terrific performances as people dealing with a young woman’s death in a wintry town.
This affecting drama tells the story of journalist Mariane Pearl, whose husband was captured by terrorists in Pakistan. Angelina Jolie turns in an amazing performance in this gripping, taut, tough film that bears a lot of similarities to 2006's “United 93”.
#23: ONCE
This film is so simple and yet so effective. Two likeable young musicians meet and make music. There is little else to it, but the wonderful (Oscar-winning!) music makes the film. The story plays only a small part in the movie, which makes it all the more awe-inspiring.
A young man, fresh out of college, decides he wants to abandon civilization and live off on his own and experience nature. Sean Penn goes behind the camera to direct this inspiring drama with terrific cinematography and a stellar cast, led by the talented Emile Hirsch. The film also boasts a terrific soundtrack by Eddie Vedder.
Critics berated this animated tale, which stares Jerry Seinfeld as a bright-eyed young bee eager to get out and see the world. It is the latest in a series of animated movies that combine slapstick, kid-friendly jokes with subtler, funny adult humor. Seinfeld is perfect for the lead role.
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